
19th August 2015

Lessons learned

This post is one part gush + two parts reality and reflection . Yesterday, after celebrating our third wedding anniversary, I was reminded that in my world my husband does wear a cape and swoop in to save the world much like a superhero. Read the rest

laughter and sisterhood
10th August 2015

Importance of sisterhood

Let’s take one quick second and take a cue from the international ‘it’ girl. You know the one. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’re familiar with her catchy tunes, her grand random acts of kindness gestures + her ‘sisterhood’, and that’s what I’d like to hone in on today. … Read the rest

11th February 2015

The waiting game

Saturday is the day that I used to dread. Especially in high school when the girls with boyfriends had balloons, flowers, and teddy bears that matched them in size to mark the fact that they were without a doubt, “taken”.Read the rest
