I dare you

If you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up they will likely, and unashamedly, say exactly what they think. Without any worry of what others will say or how someone will react.… Read the rest
If you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up they will likely, and unashamedly, say exactly what they think. Without any worry of what others will say or how someone will react.… Read the rest
I’m a believer that birthdays are too precious, too important and too exciting to only give them a day. I’ve always been that way, birth month or bust. Naturally, you would think that I would have been pinning my little heart out as the boys’ birth month approached.… Read the rest
Hands up if you ever felt like you were just trying to keep your head above water? Or if you’ve looked at the clock only to realize that it’s 4pm and you haven’t had lunch?… Read the rest
Whoa. This post has been a LONG time coming. I’d apologize for my lack of updates, but then I would be lying because, I’m not sorry. In fact, I’ve been soaking up every single ounce of baby goodness over these last (almost) 6 months and enjoying every minute.… Read the rest
…And just like that the second trimester came as fast as it went. I can hardly believe that we’re now here, just weeks away from welcoming our two little world changers into our family and big beautiful life.… Read the rest
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