16th May 2014
DIY mirror revamp
Something tells me that we’re finally beginning to see an end to this long winter [thank goodness] and maybe just maybe the first signs of summer? Of course I say this with complete hesitance because, although I don’t believe in fate, bad fortune, superstition or coincidence, I’m certainly a skeptic when it comes to weather predictions in this rainy region. Not that I ever need an excuse to decorate [as if any gal does?] but now that the sun will apparently be showing its face what a better time than now to revamp my office?
A creative space surely aids in brainpower after all. Surely. Although this beautiful space isn’t quite up to par just yet, here’s a little sneak peek of some DIYing I’ve been up to. This is your run-of-the-mill TJ Maxx [TK Maxx if you’re on this side of the pond] reject mirror that was rescued from the clearance pile and lovingly brought back to life with a little TLC and a tin of spray paint.
Will you be doing any house sprucing this weekend dolls?