6th February 2015

Cheers to the weekend

It’s that time of the week, the clock strikes 5:30, or for some even earlier, and we get that sigh of relief that rushes through us like the feeling you get when you’ve finally boarded the plane headed to somewhere sunny and beautiful . You’ve made it through another week of knocking out epic proposals, mighty dreams and you’ve so diligently + eloquently put a big black strike through those meddling tasks. Or at least that’s how we like to hope it went down. Graceful or not, big or small, this week is dunzo. M’dear the weekend has made its appearance yet again. No alarm clocks, emails, and hustle & bustle for a gorgeous, and hopefully long-lasting, two days.

cheers to the weekend

As always we’re here to share with you some of the things that have made us do a double take, a little weekending reads for those moments when you’re enjoying your daily dose of caffeine under the morning sun, or sipping vino in a warm bubbly bath come night fall. Whatever you decide, make this weekend one for the record books, because as experience would have it, you won’t get it back. Like ever.

Habits to avoid when trying to get ahead and nail that career/dream like only you can.

He went there, thank you Jimmy Fallon for heading back to Bayside High.

Warning: Unless your bags are packed and you’re prepared to hop on the next red-eye to NYC don’t read this article… I did warn you.

So there’s an Uber for jets? Why yes there is, so now the world really is your oyster.

If you’re looking for a treat to whip up for your Vday sweetie we’ve saved the day with this recipe. The hard part will be resisting the temptation to keep them all to yourself. Although if you do, we won’t tell.

Have a few mags lying around without a home? We thought this was genius.

Seriously swooning over Kate Moss’s purse collection. How many does one gal need you ask? From the looks of this the answer would be something like, ‘you can never have too many’.

So on this bright, sunshiny Friday (fingers crossed you can see some blue outside of your window as well) lets turn up the best T.Swift jams and start dancing into the wonderful weekend ahead.



Photo credit