Joy of hosting
As you might have noticed we’ve taken an unforeseen blogging vacation this past week. We’ve had a syrupy sweet 15-year-old with us and we’ve been showing her all the best parts of the UK in true American fashion, non-stop travel. From London to Edinburgh, we hope that she took home a pocket full of memories and a heart for traveling the world.
Putting on your hostess hat often teaches + blesses you more than the one you host and this couldn’t have proved more true in our case over the past week. You can take all of the best tips + advice straight out of Emily Post’s Holy Grail but that will only get you so far. The real test of making your home feel welcoming isn’t found in carefully ironed sheets, a thoughtful guest basket or even in purchasing the highest quality toilet paper (although let’s be honest, all of these serve as major pluses). The greatest joy and comfort is instead found in the deep conversations, seeing how others do life and react to yours, pruning how well you love and being completely in the moment.
Our prayer when we purchased our first home was that the people who walked through our doors would know love, feel love, and feel empowered to share love. Hosting allows us see that prayer come to life. Our walls have character because of the people, stories, and testimonies that have been shared within them. Our only wish is that it continues for years to come.
While we were away here are a few of our favourite reads from around the web and some snaps of our “exchange program“.
Essentials that the Vogue Editor never leaves home without.
Efficiency at best?
This could be the Carpool Karaoke to top it all
Must have sandals for summer
A secret garden to be unveiled in Central Park
This will perpetuate your Italian daydreams. Promise.
If I could raid one woman’s wardrobe it would be this gal
Easy watermelon salad for your summer menu
Decor to refresh your home this season from H&M
Have you noticed Instagram’s new algorithm?
30 surprising facts about the world’s favourite sitcom
Here’s to a beautiful week. Live in the knowledge that every day holds another beautiful gift awaiting you to unwrap and discover. If that’s not enough to add some pep into your step then I’m not sure what is?