10th June 2016

Here’s to daydreams + weekends

There’s a thrill that comes from discovering new places + opening your eyes to a different culture and new landscape. As we were wrapping up our holiday and preparing to head back home I stumbled upon a quote that became so real to me, “It’s a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone”.

This week I’ve been stuck in the thick of getting things back in order at home, catching up with friends, unpacking – you know – all of the stuff that comes along with coming home from vacation. What I can’t escape is daydreaming about our time away. It amazes me that just a week ago we were soaking up every bit of the Italian culture, but it wasn’t until this week that I fully appreciated how special our trip was. It definitely becomes beckoningly more real after you’ve gone.

Here’s a few more snaps from our trip and some Weekending Reads to carry you through the weekend.

weekending reads

weekending reads


Desperately in search for some of these beauties!

Major inspo to actually print some pictures.

Oh Carrie. That voice. That performance.

This weekend we celebrate Queenie turning 90.

As another class act celebrates her 91st.

Must get around to doing this, this summer.

Clean out your closet in a breeze with this questionnaire.

Time to switch your digital device to vaycay mode.

Is productivity really about what you don’t do?

Blake Lively gives us her everyday beauty guide.