30 before 30 – Start a women’s group
Something pretty special and amazingly celebratory happens in just 7 months. I move out of my glorious and transformative twenties and step into the unchartered waters of my thirties. And I’m excited, and ready, almost. But before those digits roll on over I’ve got thirty things that I want to tick off of my list. You can read what all of those are here. Heading out of my twenties with a bang sounds like the only way to wave goodbye to those memorable 10 years of bad haircuts, late nights, first drinks, new territory, a forever commitment, a degree and a great big handful of friends old + new. Twenties were good and aren’t over just yet…
One of the entries on my “30 before 30 list” was to start a women’s group. I’m a big believer that when two or more are gathered under one cause, big things can happen. I’m an even bigger believer that when two or more women are gathered heavens open up and things can shift. Circumstances, perspective, miracles, you name it – if women shout loud enough it’s going to move. For a while now I had a heaviness on my heart to get together with the ladies of my community to share together with plenty of coffee (and plenty of food) around my living room table. It’s a vision that I’ve had for a while and one that I can finally put a check mark by.
The four ladies that have been faithfully heading over to the Illy’s every Monday morning to study God’s word are incredible. We’ve grown, learned, shed a tear or two and prayed faithfully for each other’s journey. We’ve dug into the study “Open Your Bible”. It’s all about getting back to the basics of why opening the word is so important. If you’re looking for a group study I’d highly suggest it.
As we near the end of this study my heart is so full. This is sure to be the start of many more opportunities to gather together. Sisterhood is so important, it’s no wonder that #girlsquad is a trending hashtag.
Won’t you join me in dreaming up something beautiful? Your life can be anything you wish it to be and even greater than you’ve ever imagined. Remember to never let statistics, labels, race, differences, culture, or challenges define you. Whatever it is that’s weighing on your heart just go for it. Now is a better time than any right?
Stay tuned for more updates as I make progress through this mighty list of mine.