Welcoming a new season
I feel the need to fill you in on something… I caved this week and got my first PSL of the season + trimmed our house with pumpkins and all things fall. It. Was. Heavenly. The weather has also dropped a few degrees so I think it’s safe to say that a new season is upon us.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll love the feeling a new season brings. Autumn is especially gorgeous, with the leaves changing colours and the crisp air making it seem as though the old is gone and something new is about to arrive. It gives that blank page, new start, beautiful beginnings kinda feel.
Maybe there’s something new stirring within your heart, OR a tough season is finally coming to an end and you can actually see light at the end of the long, dark tunnel? Wherever you find yourself during this transitional period remember this: seasons come and go, they are here to teach us something new and then make a graceful exit. They aren’t here to stay and we can never get them back. They are simply blocks of time that float in to position + prepare us for something greater ahead.
My challenge to you is to try to embrace this season that you’re in. Thank God for the good things + wave goodbye to the disappointment, struggle or stress of the days gone by. There’s a new season that awaits you, time to unravel and discover the greater things ahead.
While you reminisce this weekend, here are some of our favourites from around the web to enjoy while cinnamon flavours waft your home.
“You just look better with a little blush on” and other things that this Southerner believes in.
You really don’t need to work that much? Perhaps.
Because this pre-war apartment is everything. #majorswoon
Cheese plate to put all cheese plates to shame. Take a cue from this for the next happy hour.
Jam packed schedule? No problemo. You can still make time for friends using these few tips.
The new craze of coloring your way to a less stressed life.
A minimum of 7hrs of shut-eye is no myth it seems.
Does the thought of contouring intimidate you? Why not try this “anti-contouring” look.
For those who’ve always wanted to float or fly – now’s your chance.
Next week on The Brew I’ll be sharing part three of our journey to children story and a strobing/anti-contouring tutorial from a dear friend + make-up guru Erin Nicole.
Until then, enjoy your weekend!