I’ve always loved four legged friends. They’re the loyal kind, the get excited-always-happy-to-see-you little nuggets, the ones who will still make you smile on a no-good-very-bad kinda day and nothing short of our biggest fans.… Read the rest
Dreams. They come at a high price. Sometimes the cost is time, sometimes its money but the majority of the time it’s about using your “noes” more frequently than your “yeses” and choosing the uncertain road over the easy one.… Read the rest
Picture this, you’re smack dab in the middle of a hectic week or at the end of a hard season that seemingly feels like a hard up hill battle. We’ve all been there, but isn’t it good to hear that you most definitely aren’t alone?… Read the rest
Fear, insecurities, and doubt. Three words with similar meanings, yet play on different emotions when we’re trying to pursue something bigger than ourselves.
It happens to the best of us. We’re buzzing with excitement, ideas are flowing like a waterfall and then suddenly we start to sink back and shrink back.… Read the rest
I think you’d agree that we are busy people? We live in a generation with a million and one things vying for our attention at any moment, between our “9-5’s”, family matters, social calendars, appointments, chores and now a monsoon of emails and social correspondence, our diaries typically remain full to the brim.… Read the rest