
2nd August 2016

For the love of dogs

I’ve always loved four legged friends. They’re the loyal kind, the get excited-always-happy-to-see-you little nuggets, the ones who will still make you smile on a no-good-very-bad kinda day and nothing short of our biggest fans.… Read the rest

27th July 2016

A grown-up slumber party

If you’re like me you remember those nights of endless chatter, the ones when before you knew it you found yourself somewhere in the wee hours of the mornings. The nights when bellies were full of junk food and hearts were full of laughter.… Read the rest

meg and tara
18th May 2016

Joy of hosting

As you might have noticed we’ve taken an unforeseen blogging vacation this past week. We’ve had a syrupy sweet 15-year-old with us and we’ve been showing her all the best parts of the UK in true American fashion, non-stop travel.… Read the rest

never stop learning
26th April 2016

Never stop learning

I think it’s safe to say that most of us, if not all, are on some kind of pursuit of happiness? Yeah? Let’s not be confused, I’m not talking about inward joy and peace here, I’m more referring to the emotion of happy and things that make our days brighter and our smiles bigger. … Read the rest
