Never stop learning
I think it’s safe to say that most of us, if not all, are on some kind of pursuit of happiness? Yeah? Let’s not be confused, I’m not talking about inward joy and peace here, I’m more referring to the emotion of happy and things that make our days brighter and our smiles bigger. Although it’s ludicrous to expect everyday to seem like a bed of roses we’d like to think that most days have a sprinkle of confetti and dabs of sweetness weaved in.
The one thing that’s typically attached with happiness is purpose. That’s what I’ve come to learn anyway. I’m most happy when life is filled with adventure and intention. When the journey is less mundane and more fulfilled. That’s why I believe that it’s ever-so important to never stop learning. To take a pause in this crazy busy life and prioritise learning something new. Equally important to that is, before every new venture you should take a quick second and pose the question of “why”. I like to think that I’m intentional about what I choose to fill my calendar with, while leaving room for the occasional and spur of the moment catch ups + coffee dates of course.
When compiling my list of “30 things to do before I’m 30” I diligently considered each item that made it on the lineup. The underlying criteria was simple it needed to cause me to accomplish a dream, build relationships, plant roots, trigger growth and/or add depth.
Since I believe that experiences are better shared, I called on my Mama for this one. One of her life long friends was also able to join us for this fun evening.
So to put a strike through another item on the “30 before 30 list” we enrolled ourselves into a cupcake making course at the Epicurean Hotel. Lucky for us it just so happened to be fortunately titled “cupcakes and cocktails” – perfect combo if you ask me. The evening started with learning how to make a mint Oreo cupcake, paralleled with a taste test of course. Throughout the evening we enjoyed each others company, laughs, decorating lessons, and even got sent home a variety box of six different cupcakes to indulge in.
I believe that, although we add-on wisdom through the years, we should never stop learning. There’s so much to gain from experiences, different seasons in life, and even other generations. Being open-minded and willing to learn is surely one of the secrets to happiness?
My challenge to you is to learn something new over the next few months. It could be as simple as taking a new class at the gym or reading a new novel, or as adventurous as learning a new talent or taking on a new hobby. The choice is yours, but the fruits of your endeavors will inspire others. The more you invest in learning – the more excited and energized you’ll feel, and that my friends is contagious!