Making dreams happen.
Sister you are so near. You’re looking fear dead straight in the eyes and you have a choice. You can shrink back or you can leap forward in faith, tell fear to stand back and go quickly towards your dreams.
We were each born with talent + purpose, we were created by the ultimate designer who formed everything on this beautiful earth with such intricate detail, yet set within each of us is something even greater. We were called to move mountains by faith and love beyond measure. As you’re reading this you can probably even recall that very thing that would make your heart beat to an even more dazzling tune.
Then life happens. We live in a fast-paced society filled with an insane amount of priorities, obligations and responsibilities tapping on our door at any given second. We make excuses and say things like; ‘I just don’t have time’, or ‘maybe next year’, or what about this one – ‘I’m just not good enough’. These all start stripping away our confidence and creativity and we’re left doing something mediocre with no intention to turn back.
But what if we had nothing to lose? What if we had just enough confidence to toss of the reigns and go for it? If you agree that life is a precious gift with no promises of tomorrow why wait until the new year to get going?
Here are 5 steps to get you going.
Make room for creativity + dream big. If nothing was at stake and anything was possible what would your dream be. What’s the one thing that would see your passion soar. The thing that you would be eager to wake to in the morning? Then visualize, what does it look like? What do you need to get there? Contrary to popular belief, put those everyday stresses to the side for a few hours and daydream. Sit in silence, beachside, or couch-side with a warming up of coffee and think on what it is you want to see become a reality. Those who like to think that day dreaming is a waste of time clearly never listened to a symphony that spawned from a reverie or witnessed an Oscar-winning film coined from moments of meditation.
Take action. Often the hardest thing is simply beginning. It’s okay to start small. Simply setting a few small goals will get you on your way. Perhaps pulling together your contacts and setting up a brainstorm will ignite the passion. Mapping out a timeline of actions on a roadmap is a great way to visibly see what it’s going to take to accomplish the masterpiece.
Appreciate every step. It’s easy to get caught up in aiming for the end goal and miss out on the little accomplishments along the way. Don’t forget that baby steps led you to running after-all, give yourself some accolades for the even the tiniest spurts of success. One heel in front of the other my dear.
Stay humble. Don’t let the climb get in the way of your courtesy and tamper with your demeanor. Remember where you started, appreciate those who’ve helped you watch your dreams unfold. Be willing to assist others who were once in your shoes. There will be those who look to you for inspiration + encouragement – always be willing. We are all on the journey together after all.
There’s more at stake by not going for that dream-mission than sitting back and watching opportunities pass you by. These are the good ol’ days and the best is still ahead. So what are you waiting for?