1st May 2015

Calling a ‘May Day’

May Day

Sometimes we just have those moments when we want to sound the distress call and send out an SOS. For those moments it’s a good thing we have a bank holiday — which just so happens to be for ‘May Day’ — to look forward to. Hello to a long weekend spent catching up with friends. Although the aim is to make this space your daily dose of encouragement, a slice of pick-me-up, a taste of fashion and the pretty little positives that this life so sweetly brings, it’s also a place to be authentic. And let’s be honest we all have ‘those’ days when nothing seems to go our way, everything seems disrupted and our to-do lists remain a mile long. Right!?

So wherever you find yourself this weekend, lets hope you find some rest. Some time to sit and reflect on all of the positives in your life.

…And while you do that, here are some weekending reads to skim through…

JT has us gushing over his new little munchkin

For all you ladies who love a little football (as in the American one) — he’s back!

Pretty sure this chick nails it on the red carpet every time.

While cheering on your favourite horse this weekend here are a few things to try if you’re rooting them around the track from home.

The teary-eyed moment from this mother-daughter duo is just precious. Wouldn’t you agree?

Move over dubsmash, there’s a new girl in town

Cheers to the long weekend ahead, and for all of those derby gals – may the odds and the mint juleps be ever in your favour!

Photo credit